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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - NON-Profit

Frequently asked questions & answers (FAQ)

1. What do I get for registering?
You will receive 50,000 SANUSCREDITS (S C ) as a welcome gift for free registration and successful account verification. All other included services can be found on this page.

2. What consideration do I have to provide as a cooperation partner?
Since you serve an ideal purpose and are not pursuing a profit-oriented approach, we are primarily pleased that we can support you with our offer. Of course, we would also be pleased if you would recommend us to your members. This in turn brings you advantages, because you automatically generate sponsorship money. More details can be found in the sponsorship contract.

3. What are the benefits for my members when they register?
The members receive access to the SANUSLIFE world of advantages and, among other things, automatically receive SANUSCREDITS as cashback on their future payments and, through the conversion of SANUSCOINS , as a bonus. They also donate to a good cause with every purchase in the Marketplace.

4. Do I have running costs?
No, as a non-profit you can enjoy all SMART services including the "PREMIUM+" package free of charge. You can find an overview of all services here .

5. How exactly does it work so that I receive more sponsorship money?
By accessing your back office, the sponsorship money will be listed for you. In order for you to be paid out, it is sufficient to send a correct sponsor invoice to SANUS LIFE ADMINISTRATION AG, Switzerland.

6. Do I have to offer SANUSPAY as a payment method?
No, but we recommend it because you also offer your members added value. By paying the membership fees, they receive cashback in the form of SANUSCREDITS and automatically donate to other organizations. It is a sharing of all non-profit companies with each other. Also keep in mind that with SANUSPAY you collect 1.5% fees - with only 0.2% of this being payment provider fees. Compared to the costs of other payment providers, this is sensationally cheap.

You can find more questions and answers directly under the seller (COMPANY) FAQ's – click here to go directly there.