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Advertising space for sellers

How to set up your advertising space for more visibility

You definitely want our large community to see you at your best. To make this happen, we have created a guide for you here. It's best to work through the following points step by step in the PDF setup advertising space in the footer so that you're guaranteed not to forget anything.

You can decide whether you want to go live with a “small advertising space” that contains all the necessary content, or with a “Big advertising space” with its own menu navigation and large images.

If you have successfully filled out everything according to the instructions, go to the HOME menu. You can see whether you have filled out all the fields by looking up the green checkmarks in the middle menu.

If so, you are ready to go live and can now attract even more customers with your small or big advertising space in SANUSLIFE Marketplace.

Good luck and success in acquiring new customers!

Your SANUSLIFE Marketplace Team

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