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Non-profit advertising space

How to set up your advertising space for more visibility

You definitely want our large community to see you at your best. To make this happen, we have created a guide for you here. It's best to work through the following points step by step so that you don't forget anything and then send all information and files to with the subject: “Marketplace”.

We would like to inform you that SANUS LIFE will take care of entering the content for you.

You can choose between a small advertising space that contains all the necessary content, or you may have the option of a large advertising space with its own menu navigation and large images.

Setting up a small advertising space:

1. Logo
It would be ideal if your logo is in vector format. Alternatively, it can also be in a high-resolution JPG, PNG or WEBP format with at least 600 x 600 pixels.

2. Company name and address
Please let us know the address of the respective branch. Please note, however, that only correct and complete addresses can be displayed.

3. Website address(es) Do you have multiple websites?
Then identify which one is most important to you. If you “only” have a social media profile and no website, then just provide that. Anything is better than nothing.

4. Contact details
Indicate how you would like to be contacted (phone, email, chat) and of course the contact details. Here too, you are welcome to provide your social media data (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.).

5. Type of business
Here you can specify whether you sell online (online shop, online services) or locally (hotel, workshop, office, store, etc.) or both online and locally.

6. Industry/Category
Please classify your product into the industries/categories that you can find on the company page . You can choose up to three. Not necessary for NON-profit companies.

7. Text for company description
Insert a short description here. This is how you present your company. It is possible to write a text up to 1,500 characters long, including spaces and possible subtitles.

8. High-resolution image or advertising image for header banners
An important aspect is the first impression, which is created by a high-resolution image or advertising image for header banners. It is the first large image that your site visitor will see of you. With that in mind – make an impression and send us an image with an aspect ratio of 5:1 and a size of at least 1,280 x 256 pixels.

Here's an example:


Setting up a large advertising space:

“Home” page:

1. Home page heading
Write a main title (maximum 50 characters) and a subtitle or slogan (maximum 40 characters).

2. Text for home page
When someone opens your website, they should learn about you under “Home.” This category is similar to the home page. It is possible to write a text up to 1,500 characters long, including spaces and possible subtitles.

3. Images for image module on home page
A picture says more than 1,000 words. You can accommodate two or more images in the image module complex. For example, images of your products (your most popular, newest, etc.), your company (building, office, employees, etc.) or yourself (portraits, situations at work, etc.). In any case, each image should have at least 1280 x 640 pixels and an aspect ratio of 2:1.


Optional: For an even more personal appearance!

5. Individual color tone
Enter your own style and corporate identity (CI). If you give us your CSS3 color name, RGB value or hex code, we will transfer your individual color to the advertising space.

“About Us” page:

1. Text for “About Us” page
Sintroduce yourself, your company and/or your team on the “About us” page. This text must not exceed 1500 characters including spaces. Here, too, as on the “Home” page, you can insert a main title (maximum 50 characters) and a subtitle or slogan/advertising slogan (maximum 40 characters).

2. Text image for “About Us” page
You can round off the text with a nice image to the right of the “About Us” section. Please note that the aspect ratio is 1:1. The size can be individual.

3. Final image for “About Us” page
Finish off the page with another amazing image. Please note that the aspect ratio is 1:2 and the size is at least 1280 x 640 pixels. Please also add a suitable title with a maximum of 50 characters.

Sanuspay presets:

Determine how many SANUS CREDITS users should receive for their purchase from you. You can enter a number between 1 and 99 here. If you want to actively recommend, we recommend that you enter a value of 20 or more here. Experience has shown that this makes you attractive to recommenders. The business margin multiplied by two results in the cashback in percent that the customer receives in the form of SANUS CREDITS .

2. SANUSPLANET __% rate
Determine how much of the purchase amount should be automatically donated to the SANUS PLANET Foundation. You can enter a number between 0.5 and 99.5 here. If protecting the environment is very important to you and you want to be perceived positively, we recommend that you specify a correspondingly high value here too.

3. SANUSCOIN __% rate
Determine how much of the purchase amount you would like to collect in SANUS COINS in the future. Example: If you enter 10% here, you specify that for every future SANUS PAY payment, 10% of your share should be received in SANUS COINS and 90% in euros, dollars or the respective fiat local currency. Remember: The higher your percentage for SANUS COIN , the higher you will rise in the ranking and the higher your advertising benefit.


Please note that the content goes online as we receive it and that there are no proofreading runs as long as this cannot be done by yourself or on your own initiative via the system. So here are a few more tips before you send the email.

1. Check all documents again for completeness.
2. Proofread the texts again or have them proofread to make sure they are free of errors.
3. Make sure that you have taken into account all requirements (e.g. character length, image quality, etc.).

A SANUS LIFE employee will then enter the content into the system for you. We ask for your understanding in advance that if there is a high volume of orders, the online connection may be delayed by up to ten (10) working days.