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Here’s how it works – Buyer

Get more out of your purchases!

Explore the marketplace, pay as usual, and unlock SANUSCREDITS cashback, earnings, and donations at thousands of businesses! Everything runs completely automatically when you shop here in the SANUSLIFE Marketplace.

Our mission is to offer you (added) value with every payment and at the same time make the world a little better. Join us to achieve more together with us. True to the motto: #together for a better world

This is how the bonus system with SANUSLIFE works.
In 3 easy steps – this is how you collect, donate and earn:

1 ) Register for free and collect SANUSCREDITS . When you register you will receive 1,000 SANUSCREDITS as a welcome gift!

2 ) Do your shopping as usual and receive SANUSCREDITS as cashback. These credits will be converted into SANUSCOINS every month. At the same time you're doing something so good. With every payment, each company donates a portion of the purchase amount to the SANUSPLANETFoundation, which is committed to protecting the oceans, nature, animals and people in need. 

3 ) Upgrade to BASIC or PREMIUM, invite your friends to the marketplace and get referrals for positive word of mouth.

Together we are strong. #thefutureisours