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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions – SELLER

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers (FAQ)

1. How much do I have to pay?
Prices vary depending on the service package selected. The package always consists of a one-time license fee and monthly follow-up fees. These monthly fees include a multi-currency wallet with payment functions and other functions.Here you will find an overview of all service packages.

2. Do I have to pay separately or additionally for cashback, income and donations after each payment?
No, the SANUS LIFE software does all of this for you. Everything runs automatically in the background. You don't have to worry about anything. All fees are covered by the margin and monthly subscription and transaction fees. There are only fees for external payment providers, and only if you actually want to use them.

3. Do I have to collect everything that will be paid to me via SANUSPAY in the future in SANUSCOIN?
You can, but you don't have to. The integrated setting options allow you to determine at any time how much of your income should be converted into SANUSCOINS or into your local currency. You also have the option of changing your SANUSCOIN earnings into another currency at any time later. However, please note that cashing in the form of SANUSCOINS is a more effective advertising strategy. This means: the more you earn in SANUSCOINS , the more users see you and are therefore likely to buy from you.

4. How much margin should I give?
It depends on what goal or strategy you are pursuing.
Do you just want to be there and offer your customers a payment method with advantages with SANUSPAY ? Then the minimum margin of 1.5% may be sufficient. In addition, you do not need any other payment provider besides SANUSPAY , which is why you do not incur any additional fees.
Do you want to achieve higher sales? Then you should leave a 20% or more margin. Basically, the higher the margin, the more the recommenders are willing to recommend you.

5. I just want advertising space on the Marketplace. Which package is required in this case?
At least SMART. When you purchase one (1) SMART package, you get an advertising space, a marker on the digital map and unlimited SANUSPAY settings. You can find an overview of all service packages here .

6. Can I use different percentages for different items?
Yes, but only if you list the items in the SANUSLIFE Marketplace and sell them directly via the Marketplace. For this you need the “PRO” package. With this package you can create your items in the marketplace and determine for each item what percentage of SANUSCREDIT cashback the customer should receive and what percentage should be donated to the SANUSPLANET Foundation. This means you are particularly flexible and can offer special promotions.

7. How are the percentages calculated?
You will receive monthly marketing fees from SANUSLIFE ADMINISTRATION AG (Switzerland) for all successful payments. The fees are automatically “reserved” when the payment is made and will definitely be deducted from your SANUSLIFE account after the invoice has been issued. Donation receipts are also created monthly. Furthermore, the SANUSPLANET Foundation issues a certificate once a year that certifies how much good you have done. You can use this fully for marketing purposes. For example, you can hang it in the store so that your customers can examine it. Or simply upload it to your website.

8. What do I get if I register for free?
For free registration and account verification you will receive 1,000 SANUSCREDITS (S C ) as a welcome gift. You also have the opportunity to continuously collect additional S C. Your S C will automatically be converted into SANUSCOINS (SA C ) every month. Collecting starts over again every month.

9. Is it also possible for me as a “company” to receive commission?
Yes, you can. This is possible with the upgrade. You need PREMIUM+ for this Upgrade now