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Terms and conditions for voucher redemption

 Terms and Conditions for the Use of Vouchers and Voucher Wallet

§ 1 Scope; Contract Language

1. These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to the contracts concluded between you (hereinafter referred to as "buyer" or "customer") and us, SANUSLIFE ADMINISTRATION AG, Lindenstrasse 8, 6340 Baar, Switzerland (hereinafter referred to as "seller"), via our website [SANUSLIFE Marketplace Vouchers](, for the purchase and credit, as well as the use of multipurpose vouchers (hereinafter also referred to as "VOUCHER"), which the buyer can use in future for SANUSPAY payments via the SANUSAPP 3.0. These vouchers are also issued when orders paid with SANUSPAY, for which QV points were recorded, are canceled, referred to among other things as "SANUSLIFE Marketplace VOUCHER."

2. A contract can only be concluded with persons who are at least 18 years old and fully capable of entering into legal transactions. If legal provisions require a higher age for the use of goods or services in the SANUSLIFE network, the customer undertakes to purchase VOUCHER and use such offers only upon reaching this higher age limit. The customer is a consumer insofar as the purpose of the ordered services cannot predominantly be attributed to his commercial or independent professional activity. In contrast, an entrepreneur is any natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity who acts in the exercise of their commercial or independent professional activity when concluding the contract.

3. The language available for the conclusion of the contract is exclusively German. Translations of these terms and conditions into other languages are for your information only. In case of differences between the language versions, the German text shall prevail.

§ 2 Right of Withdrawal

1. The customer can purchase VOUCHER up to a maximum of 2,000 QV points from SANUSLIFE Administration AG. Once this amount is reached, a sales stop applies to this customer. These are VOUCHER with which customers can obtain an individual loyalty status and attractive rewards. By clicking the "Order with obligation to pay" button in the last step of the order process, you make a binding offer to purchase the VOUCHER displayed in the order overview. The application can only be submitted and transmitted if the customer has accepted these contract conditions by clicking on the "Accept GTC" button and has thereby included them in his application. Immediately after submitting the order, you will receive an order confirmation, which does not yet constitute acceptance of your contract offer. A contract between buyer and seller is concluded as soon as the seller confirms the conclusion of the contract to the buyer.

2. A VOUCHER credit is also credited to the customer if they cancel a SANUSPAY payment for an online order (excluding QR payment) or cancel an order in the SANUSLIFE Marketplace. Part of the purchase amount will always be displayed to the customer as VOUCHER credit in the VOUCHER Wallet, which will be automatically redeemed in the closed SANUSLIFE system on the next purchase. For a cancellation, the customer is issued a paid voucher purchase receipt. In his SANUSCOIN Wallet statement, he can see that he has automatically purchased a VOUCHER for exactly this amount.

3. The VOUCHER credit will be automatically redeemed for partial payment with partner companies (COMPANY partners that appear as SANUSPAY acceptance points in the SANUSLIFE system) with every purchase. At the time of redemption, the redeemed amount is displayed as a negative balance in the customer's VOUCHER Wallet. In his SANUSCOIN Wallet statement, he can see that he received a VOUCHER credit before paying with SANUSPAY, and a receipt is available for download. The system automatically calculates the amount of VOUCHER that can be redeemed during the purchase.

4. The buyer always receives the value of the voucher in euros credited to his personal VOUCHER Wallet in the SANUSAPP. Any currency fluctuations between the euro and the customer's local currency are borne by or benefit the buyer.

5. The VOUCHER is always related to the QV points and can only be redeemed in this ratio. The value of the VOUCHER or the relationship to the QV points is always calculated on the euro net price. If a buyer purchases VOUCHER from the seller, the following ratio always applies: 1 euro equals 2 QV points.

6. In the case of a SANUSPAY or SANUSLIFE Marketplace cancellation, the value of the VOUCHER is also calculated in relation to the QV points and in euros. Here, the ratio is according to the business margin used at the time of purchase or the ratio and exchange rate applied when purchasing the canceled goods. The value is always stated in euros. The corresponding QV points are also displayed. When purchasing, the QV points booked in the voucher account are compensated with the QV points deposited from the product purchased. In the same ratio, the FIAT balance (euro) in the voucher account is debited, and the buyer is issued a VOUCHER credit.

For a member, the vouchers are only redeemed after reaching "Check-Security" (equivalent to 60 QV points per month).

§ 4 Technical Steps to Conclusion of Contract and Correction of Input Errors

1. In the context of the VOUCHER ordering process, you first place the desired VOUCHER package in the shopping cart.

2. The VOUCHER package placed in the shopping cart has a fixed euro price. If a customer has a currency other than the euro, the internal voucher exchange rate may differ from the market exchange rate. Any losses or gains are borne by the customer.

3. By clicking the "Continue" button, the customer first reaches a page where they can enter their data and then select the payment method. Finally, an overview page opens where they can review their entries. Input errors (e.g., concerning payment method, data, or desired quantity) can be corrected by clicking on "Edit" in the respective field. If the customer wants to cancel the order process completely, they can simply close their browser window. Otherwise, after clicking the confirmation button "Order with obligation to pay," their declaration becomes binding in the sense of § 3 para. 9 of these GTC.

§ 5 Storage of the Contract Text

The contract provisions, including these General Terms and Conditions and the revocation instructions, are not sent to the customer by email.

§ 6 Registration in the Online Shop; Processing of Your Personal Data

1. You can order in our online shop or via the SANUSAPP as a registered user. As a registered user, you do not have to enter your personal data every time; instead, you can simply log into your customer account with your email address and a password before or during an order. Registration does not imply any purchase obligation for the products offered by us.

2. For information on how your data is processed, please refer to our privacy policy, which can be accessed in our online shop. When registering, you choose a personal username and password.

§ 7 Payment Conditions; Prices

1. The purchase price is due immediately upon ordering and can be paid exclusively in euros or later with SANUSPAY. The service provider used for the selected payment method can be found in the online shop's information.

2. No VAT is charged on VOUCHER. All prices are exclusive of shipping costs unless expressly stated otherwise.

§ 8 Cancellation, Withdrawal from the Purchase Contract; Suspension of Sales; Retention of Title

1. The purchase of VOUCHER is final in the sense that no refunds or cancellations can occur, except as required by mandatory legal provisions or expressly provided for in these General Terms and Conditions.

2. SANUSLIFE reserves the right to reject or cancel purchase requests for VOUCHER at its discretion and to limit the amount.

3. Furthermore, SANUSLIFE may suspend the sale of VOUCHER at its discretion. Reasons can include suspected systematic fraud in purchasing VOUCHER or excessive load on SANUSLIFE's IT systems or those of its external contractors.

4. VOUCHER remains the property of SANUSLIFE until full payment is received.

5. The issued VOUCHER is non-transferable.

6. Each VOUCHER is tied to the account of the respective user and can only be redeemed by that user.

7. Transfer or transmission of the VOUCHER to third parties is excluded.

§ 9 Value Transfer; Responsibility for the Security of the Voucher Account

1. To redeem VOUCHER, every customer first needs a successful KYC/KYB with SANUSLIFE (SANUSAPP) to unlock the VOUCHER Wallet. The buyer assumes a successful KYC/B process at the time of purchasing the VOUCHER.

2. The transaction of the purchased VOUCHER to the VOUCHER Wallet takes place within 1-5 working days after payment.

3. The customer is responsible for implementing appropriate measures to secure their VOUCHER Wallet, which is part of the SANUSLIFE wallets.

§ 10 Warranty

The statutory provisions on warranty rights apply.

§ 11 Limitation of Liability

1. SANUSLIFE operates its service with care and reliability. However, during the provision of services, interruptions or losses may occur due to unavoidable events or necessary maintenance work that SANUSLIFE is not responsible for. SANUSLIFE strives to resolve any disruptions or interruptions as quickly as possible.
2. SANUSLIFE is not liable for indirect damages or consequential damages, such as those affecting the software or hardware of the customer or third parties, loss of profits, financial losses, or claims by third parties against the customer. SANUSLIFE is particularly not liable for damages resulting from unavoidable operational interruptions, necessary maintenance work, or to prevent disruptions, or due to events beyond SANUSLIFE's control, such as network disruptions, computer failures, or criminal activities by third parties.
3. SANUSLIFE is not liable for data loss suffered by customers that is not caused by SANUSLIFE, such as through hacker attacks. The customer will be promptly informed of any data loss that occurs.
4. SANUSLIFE does not assume liability for the VOUCHERs held in the customer's accounts, nor for the data stored therein.
5. We are liable for intent and gross negligence. Furthermore, we are liable for the negligent violation of obligations, the fulfillment of which is essential for the proper execution of the contract and upon which you as a customer regularly rely. In such cases, however, we are only liable for foreseeable, contract-typical damages. The same applies to breaches of duty by our vicarious agents.
6. The above limitations of liability do not apply in cases of injury to life, body, or health. Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected.

§ 12 Applicable Law; Jurisdiction; Online Dispute Resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution; Severability Clause

1. Contracts between the provider and the customer are governed by Swiss law, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The statutory provisions limiting the choice of law and the applicability of mandatory provisions, particularly of the state in which the customer has their habitual residence as a consumer, remain unaffected.
2. If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law, or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between the customer and the provider is the seller's registered office.
3. The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR) at [](
4. We are neither obligated nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
5. The contract remains binding even if individual provisions are legally invalid. In place of the invalid provisions, the applicable statutory regulations apply. If this would constitute an unreasonable hardship for one of the contracting parties, the contract will, however, be rendered invalid in its entirety.

**Status of the General Terms and Conditions for SANUSLIFE VOUCHER: August 24**