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Terms and Conditions for Buyers in the Marketplace

General Terms and Conditions Marketplace (B2C)

Valid for all SANUSLIFE users who shop or want to shop on the Marketplace.

Last updated: July 30, 2024

Welcome to SANUSLIFE Marketplace. We are very pleased that you have visited. We hope you have a pleasant shopping and lots of fun, but we ask you to follow our general terms and conditions and code of conduct.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter: “GTC” or “Contract”) regulate the contractual relationships between SANUSLIFE ADMINISTRATION AG, Lindenstrasse 8, CH-6340 Baar (ZG), , VAT number & identification number: CHE-245.046.413, Commercial Register Office of the Canton of Zug, hereinafter referred to as “SANUSLIFE Marketplace”, “SANUSLIFE Marketplace Team”, “SANUSLIFE ”, “we”, “our” or “us” and you as a “customer”, as a “FREE user” or as a registered and verified user, hereinafter referred to as “buyer”, “you”, “yours” or “yours”, as well as the companies that offer you their products for sale on the platform, in direct cooperation with SANUSLIFE or indirectly via external partner programs, hereinafter referred to as “seller”.

Your contractual relationship with SANUSLIFE is a contract in accordance with the Swiss Federal Law on the Supplementation of the Swiss Civil Code (Fifth Part: Code of Obligations) of March 30, 1911 (SR 220).

The German text of this contract is authoritative. Translations in other languages are for information purposes only. Swiss law applies. The place of jurisdiction is Baar, Canton Zug, Switzerland.

1. General and acceptance of these conditions

This document and the other documents mentioned below constitute our Code of Conduct or what we officially call our Terms of Use (the “Terms”).

The terms and conditions are a legally binding contract between you and SANUSLIFE. Please also note that SANUSLIFE only provides you with the platform - i.e. the SANUSLIFE Marketplace - but you buy from participating sellers and, in addition to these terms and conditions, you must always accept the terms and conditions of the respective seller. The purchase contract is always between buyer and seller.

This Agreement governs your rights and obligations when using the services provided on the SANUSLIFE Marketplace (our website, mobile apps and other services are referred to as our "Services"). Please read it carefully. By using any of our Services (even if you are just browsing one of our websites or apps), you agree to the Terms. If you do not agree to the Terms, you must not use our Services. Do you agree? Great, then read on!

2. The special features of the SANUSLIFE Marketplace

The SANUSLIFE Marketplace and its associated services connect people worldwide - both online and offline. They enable unique products to be developed, offered, promoted, recommended, sold and purchased. Below you will find a brief overview to give you a better idea of the specific rules that apply to you depending on how you use our services:

A. You buy from the seller, not from the marketplace. As already mentioned under point 1, SANUSLIFE only acts as a platform provider for the SANUSLIFE marketplace, but is not the seller. All companies that cooperate directly with SANUSLIFE are considered sellers - these are referred to as "COMPANY partners".

B. You can buy from direct and indirect partners. COMPANY partners cooperate directly with us, which is why sales are processed directly via the marketplace. "Best Deal" and "Gift Card" providers, on the other hand, do not cooperate directly with us, but are offered and managed by third-party service providers via external partner programs. "Best Deal" and "Gift Card" providers have their own terms and conditions, which can be found under "Legal Documents".

C. Terms and conditions and privacy policy of SANUSLIFE and the sellers. When purchasing from sellers, you agree to the terms and conditions of SANUSLIFE as well as the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the respective companies from which you purchase. The seller's own terms and conditions and privacy policy apply to the sale of the seller's products to you, which the customers also agree to in theirhave to agree to have your own online shop.

D. Terms of Purchase and Payment Processing. Regardless of whether you purchase from one or more COMPANY partners, SANUSPAY acts as an intermediary that coordinates the transactions. This means that SANUSPAY itself does not process payments or distribute funds. Our software simply facilitates the process by allocating the appropriate amounts to the respective COMPANY partners. The actual payment processing is carried out by the respective payment providers of the COMPANY partners. This ensures that you only pay the amount once for all the items you have placed in the shopping cart. However, please note that payment methods other than SANUSPAY may not be supported by all Companies. In addition, the payment processor Stripe has separate EURO and CHF payments. So if you put items from retailers in EU countries and Switzerland in the shopping cart, two separate payments will take place. Also note that each COMPANY partner ships its own products, which is why shipping costs are also calculated multiple times and a separate package is sent per COMPANY partner.

E. Complaints and returns: If you discover a defect in a product you have purchased or are generally dissatisfied, you can exercise your right of withdrawal within the statutory period. In this case, you are obliged to resolve the matter directly with the COMPANY partner using the Marketplace's messaging function. If the COMPANY partner agrees to your request to withdraw from the purchase contract or offers you compensation for the defect, the amount of money, including the SANUSPLANET margin, will be refunded directly by the COMPANY partner and the SANUSBUSINESS margin will be credited to you in the form of a voucher.

F. All COMPANY partners accept SANUSPAY or SANUSCOIN. SANUSPAY is an innovative payment method developed by SANUSLIFE. With SANUSPAY you can only pay with SANUSCOINS. For every transaction via SANUSPAY you will receive a cashback in the form of SANUSCREDITS, which will be automatically converted into SANUSCOINS in the next month. You can either use these SANUSCOINS for further purchases or exchange them for fiat currencies such as euros or dollars as well as other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. SANUSLIFE reserves the right to offer other payment options in addition to SANUSPAY, which are offered through the payment processor Stripe, for the items you have selected. Please note, however, that the SANUSCREDITS cashback is only granted for SANUSPAY payments. If a COMPANY partner does not offer any other payment methods, you can only process your purchases via SANUSPAY.

G. More benefits with Marketplace. When you shop in the Marketplace, the COMPANY partner agrees to give part of the purchase price to SANUSLIFE as a SANUSBUSINESS margin. This means that your referrer - if he is a member - receives rewards and commissions. The same applies to you if you become a member, enroll your friends and they later shop in the SANUSLIFE Marketplace. In addition, the COMPANY agrees to automatically donate part of the purchase price to the SANUSPLANET Foundation as a SANUSPLANET margin with every purchase, which is used to finance selected aid projects to protect the oceans, nature, animals and people in need. There are no costs for you with SANUSPAY payments. The payment is therefore completely free for you.

H. SANUSPAY/STRIPE cancellation. SANUSLIFE refunds the SANUSBUSINES margin exclusively in the form of vouchers and only for purchases in the marketplace and online payments via SANUSPAY or Stripe payment methods. The value of the vouchers is always fixed in euros. Any exchange rate fluctuations are to the benefit/detriment of the customer. The right of withdrawal does not apply to QR code payments, both on site and online. In this case, you have the option of negotiating appropriate compensation with the seller.

3. These conditions apply if you withdraw from the purchase contract

With regard to withdrawal from the purchase contract, the following conditions apply in the SANUSLIFE Marketplace:

A. Method of reimbursement in general.

Unless otherwise agreed, refunds will be made via the same method used to pay.

B. Method and form of refund for purchases in the Marketplace.

If you have purchased from the Marketplace and you want toIf you cancel your order within the legal period in your country, you will also receive the refund described below.

After all refund details have been clarified with the seller, the customer will not receive the full refund amount in the form in which they paid. Refunds are regulated as follows:

· SANUSLIFE refunds the SANUSBUSINESS margin exclusively in the form of vouchers (= multi-purpose vouchers) and only for online payments via SANUSPAY or Stripe. The vouchers are always valued in euros. Any exchange rate fluctuations until the vouchers are redeemed are to the customer's detriment or benefit.

· The refund of the SANUSPLANET margin by SANUSPLANET and the COMPANY's share will always be made in the form and currency in which the payment was made. The refund will be made using the same exchange rate for euros and other FIAT currencies (e.g. euros or dollars) that was in effect at the time of payment. This ensures that the customer receives back the same amount that he paid.

· When paying via SANUSPAY with SANUSCOINS, the current exchange rate is used for the refund. This means that, for example, 100 SAC were paid, but due to volatility, 90 CHF or even 110 CHF may be refunded. This also ensures that the customer receives the value paid in FIAT currency that was valid at the time of purchase. Any exchange rate fluctuations can always occur and are to the detriment or benefit of the customer.

· For SANUSPAY QR code payments, both on site and online via a payment link, the right of withdrawal does not apply. In this case, the seller is free to grant you their own and therefore separate refunds, vouchers or other types of concessions.

C. Advantages and disadvantages of exchange rates.

When converting amounts between FIAT currencies (such as euros) and cryptocurrencies, differences in the amounts may arise due to exchange rates. It is important to note that the exchange risk is always yours.

However, you always have the option to exchange the volatile SAC for stablecoins such as EURC or USDT to reduce price fluctuations both upwards and downwards. This allows for greater stability in your portfolio.

Please note that these are only the essential conditions for withdrawing from the purchase contract. All other details are regulated in the terms and conditions for the use of vouchers and voucher wallets , which are also considered an essential part of these terms and conditions. In addition, the withdrawal rules of the terms and conditions of the respective seller apply in all cases.

4. Your data protection

We know your personal information is important to you, so it's important to us too. OurPrivacy Policy explains in detail how your information is collected, used, and shared when you use our Services. By using our Services, you also agree that we can use your information in the ways described in our Privacy Policy, so please read it.

Both SANUSLIFE and Sellers may process personal data about you (such as Buyers' names, email addresses and shipping addresses) and are therefore considered separate and independent data controllers of Buyers' personal data under EU law. This means that each party is responsible for the personal data it processes to provide the Services. For example, if a Seller accidentally discloses the name and email address of another Buyer when processing an order for one Buyer, the Seller, not SANUSLIFE, is responsible for the unauthorized disclosure.

5. Your account at SANUSLIFE

In order to use some of our services, you must have an account with SANUSLIFE or open one in the SANUSLIFE Marketplace ( registration ). To create an account, you must provide aYour SANUSLIFE account is not just a regular account, it also functions as your "bank account". Therefore, it is important to observe special security measures.

There are a few rules that apply to secure registration:

A. You must be at least 18 years old to use our Services.

Minors under the age of 18 may not use SANUSLIFE services, even if the account belongs to a parent or guardian, and even with the permission of that person and under their direct supervision. In general, a person's age of majority is determined by the laws of the state in which he or she resides. You are solely responsible for the security of your account.

B. Be honest with us.

Give us correct information about yourself. Even if you only want to shop in the SANUSLIFE Marketplace as a FREE user and therefore without verification. It is prohibited to provide false information such as first name, last name, email or date of birth or to use your account to pretend to be another person or company. If you later decide to carry out verification, problems may arise if the information is incorrect. It is best to enter your data as it appears on your identification document (identity card or passport) with which you may later want to carry out the verification.

C. You are responsible for your account.

You are solely responsible for all activity on your account. If you share an account with others - which we strongly do not recommend (!) - the person whose billing information is stored in the account is ultimately responsible for all activity. If you register as a company, you personally guarantee that you are authorized to agree to the terms on behalf of the company. Accounts are generally not transferable.

D. Protect your password.

As mentioned above, you are solely responsible for all activity on your account, so it is important that you keep your account password secure. Please note the following points to consider when creating a strong password:


· At least eight characters, the longer the better.

· A mix of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols.

o Use the replace trick by replacing letters with special characters and numbers, e.g. Password security = Pa§sw0rts/ch3rhe1t.

o Think of a sentence that you can easily remember and then take the first letter of each word as well as the numbers and special characters to put them together to form a new word, e.g. Tomorrow morning at 6:30 p.m. I'm going to the indoor swimming pool! = MVu18:30giiH!.

o Use the word trick by stringing together three words that have no logical connection, e.g. football, password security, tree.

o Vary passwords by using the same password root but adding the first or four letters of the service you want to use the password for at the end, e.g. MVu18:30giiH! as a password for SANUSLIFE = MVu18:30giiH!San

Do not use:

· Your referral number or email address.

A previous password or a password used on another website (use the password variation method).

· Consecutive keyboard combinations such as "qwerty" or "asdfg".

· A complete dictionary word or obvious combinations of dictionary words.

Slang expressions, common spelling mistakes or words spelled backwards.

· Names that are associated with you in any way, such as your own name, the name of your company, or the names of spouses, children, other relatives or pets.

Personal information such as your age or date of birth.

Further options for using your account, which you can manage with SANUSLIFE in general and on the SANUSLIFE Marketplace, can be found under the Recimportant documents .

5. Your content

Content you post using our Services is your Content (which is why we refer to it as "Your Content"). We do not claim ownership of it, and this includes anything you post using our Services (such as profile pictures, reviews, comments, etc.).

A. Responsibility for your content.

You understand that you are solely responsible for your Content. You represent that you own all necessary rights to all portions of your Content and that you will not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party when posting your Content. An example of violating the rights of any third party is if you post another person's photo on your profile without that person's knowledge or consent.

B. Reporting unauthorized content.

SANUSLIFE takes intellectual property rights very seriously. If content that you own or have rights to has been posted on the Services without your permission and you would like it removed, please contact us at . If your content allegedly infringes on another person's intellectual property, we will take appropriate action, from disabling the content if we receive a notice of copyright infringement that complies with our policies to terminating your account if you are found to be a repeat infringer. We will notify you in each case.

C. Inappropriate, false or misleading content.

This should go without saying, but there are certain types of content that we do not want posted on SANUSLIFE Services (for legal or other reasons). You agree not to post any content that is abusive, threatening, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, or otherwise offensive. You also agree not to post any content that is false or misleading, or that uses the Services in a fraudulent or deceptive manner.

6. Your use of our services

A. Plans for using our Services.

In addition to using the service as a FREE user (customer), you have the option of being assigned to the user groups of private individuals, companies or non-profit companies, depending on your personality, and activating and using the "plans" or account types provided for this purpose, either for a fee or free of charge. You can find out more on the pricing page .

B. No theft:

You agree not to “crawl,” “scrape,” or “spider” any of the Services pages, and not to attempt to reverse engineer or obtain any source code of the Services (including SANUSLIFE’s intellectual property and Seller Content) without our express permission.

C. Protecting our systems:

You agree not to tamper with or otherwise interfere with our services, including by distributing a virus or other harmful computer code or sending excessive requests to our website. Any tampering or interference is a criminal offense and could result in serious consequences for you.

D. Communicate with us online.

From time to time, SANUSLIFE will communicate certain legal information to you in writing. By using our services, you agree to our electronic communications policy, which explains how we provide this information to you. The policy states that we may provide information to you electronically (e.g., by email) rather than sending you paper copies by mail (which is more environmentally friendly), and that your consent given electronically is as valid as your signature on paper.

7. Termination

A. Termination by you.

Of course, we would be sorry if you wanted to leave us, but you can close your SANUSLIFE account at any time via your account settings. If you have completed the verification and activated a plan with a one-time and/or monthly fee, you will no longer have to pay monthly fees in the future. However, the amounts already paid are non-refundable, even if a month has just begun.n. If you want to re-register within the next few months, please note that you must register under the same sponsor. After six months from the date of cancellation, you can also register under a different sponsor.

B. Termination by SANUSLIFE.

Your account (and any accounts that SANUSLIFE associates with your account) and your access to the Services may be terminated or suspended if we have reason to believe that you, your Content or your use of the Services violate our Terms of Use. If this happens, it is important that you understand that you have no contractual or legal right to continue using our Services, for example to make purchases on our website or mobile apps. SANUSLIFE will normally notify you that your account has been closed or suspended unless you have repeatedly violated our Terms of Use or there are legal or regulatory reasons that prevent us from notifying you. If you or SANUSLIFE close your account, you may lose all information associated with your account, including your Content.

C. We may discontinue the Services.

SANUSLIFE reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue any Services to you, any or all users at any time and for any reason. We will not be liable to you for any impact that any changes to the Services may have on you, including without limitation your income or ability to earn revenue or other rewards through the Services.

8. Warranties and Limitation of Liability (or What You Cannot Hold Us Liable For)

A. Items you purchase.

You understand that we merely provide the platform; the items on our marketplace are offered and sold directly by independent sellers. Therefore, SANUSLIFE cannot and does not guarantee their quality, safety, authenticity or legality. Any legal claims regarding an item you purchase must be made directly against the seller of the item. You release SANUSLIFE from all claims related to items sold through our Services, including defective items, misrepresentations by sellers, or items that have caused personal injury (such as product liability claims).

B. Content you access.

While using our Services, you may encounter materials that you find offensive or inappropriate. We make no representations regarding the content posted by Sellers through the Services. SANUSLIFE is not responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, or decency of any content posted by Sellers that you access through the Services. You release us from any liability for such content.

C. People you interact with.

You have the opportunity to use the Services to interact with other people, whether online or in person. However, you should know that we do not screen users of our Services except to meet certain legal obligations such as through KYC or KYB. You release us from any liability related to your interactions with other users. Please exercise caution and use your good judgment in all interactions with others, especially when meeting with someone in person.

D. Third Party Services.

Our Services may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by us (for example, links from COMPANY Partners, Best Deals, Gift Cards, but also social media like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). You may need a third-party product or service to use some of our Services (such as a compatible mobile device to use our mobile apps). If you use such third-party services, you do so at your own risk. The third parties may require you to accept their own terms of use. SANUSLIFE is not a party to these agreements; they are concluded solely between you and the third party.

E. Vouchers and special offers are not “vouchers”.

Please note that vouchers and special offers have nothing to do with the so-called "Vouchers" in the true sense of the word. "Vouchers" are sold exclusively by SANUSLIFE or are issued in the form of cancellations. You acknowledge that SANUSLIFE only provides a guarantee for "Vouchers" and not for other vouchers or special promotions that the sellers offer independently. You also acknowledge that SANUSLIFE has no influence on the amount of the voucher credit that you can redeem with the respective COMPANY partners. By accepting or using vouchers or special offers, you agree that you cannot later claim that the rules of the special offer or special promotion were misleading.

8. Special features of the warranties

A. SANUSLIFE is not perfect.

SANUSLIFE tries its best to make our services the best it can be, but we are not perfect and sometimes things can go wrong. You must understand that our services are provided "as is" and "as available" without any kind of warranty (express or implied). We expressly disclaim any warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranties that may be implied by course of performance, course of dealing or usage of trade.

B. We make no warranty that: (i) the Services will be secure or available at any particular time or location; (ii) errors or defects will be corrected; (iii) the Services will be free of viruses or other harmful materials; or (iv) the results of using the Services will meet your expectations. Your use of the Services is entirely at your own risk. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.

C. Limitations of Liability.

To the extent permitted by law, neither SANUSLIFE nor its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, partners or affiliates will be liable to you for any lost profits or revenues or for any consequential, incidental, indirect or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with the Services or these Terms of Use.

9. Indemnification (and what happens if we get sued because of you)

We certainly hope this never happens, but if SANUSLIFE is sued or receives a notice or demand for something you did (or did not do), you agree to defend and hold us harmless. This means that you fully indemnify and hold harmless SANUSLIFE (including our employees, officers, directors, referrers, subsidiaries and affiliates) from any and all allegations, claims, demands, actions, losses, liabilities or costs of any kind (including reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from your actions, your use (or misuse) of our Services, your violation of the Terms of Use, the items you purchase through the Services and/or your actual or suspected violation of any law or the rights of a third party. We reserve the right to conduct our legal defense as we deem appropriate even if you indemnify us, in which case you agree to cooperate with us to enable us to implement our strategy.

10. Disputes with other users

If you have a dispute with another user of SANUSLIFE's services or a third party, we encourage you to contact the other party and try to resolve the dispute amicably.

A. Case system.

Buyers and sellers who are unable to resolve a dispute relating to a transaction on our websites or mobile apps may participate in our case system with a registered account. You can read details about the case system in this guide . SANUSLIFE will, at its discretion, attempt to help you resolve disputes in good faith, but we will not make any judgments or determinations on any legal questions or claims. SANUSLIFE has no obligation to resolve disputes or assist in resolving disputes.

B. Release from SANUSLIFE.

You release SANUSLIFE from all claims, demands and liability for damages arising from disputes with other members or third parties.rteien result.

11. Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver

If you are upset with us, let us know and we will work with you in good faith to resolve your problem. However, if we cannot reach an agreement, you and SANUSLIFE (including our employees, officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates) agree to submit our disputes exclusively to binding individual arbitration and not to sue each other in court before a judge or jury.

12. Dispute settlement

Because your contract with SANUSLIFE ADMINISTRATON AG is concluded in Switzerland, we both agree that the Terms of Use and any dispute between us will be governed exclusively by Swiss law and will be resolved exclusively in the courts of Switzerland, unless prohibited by law. If you are an individual consumer, you may have the right to rely on the mandatory consumer protection laws of your country of residence and/or to sue in the courts of that country. If SANUSLIFE needs to enforce its rights against you as an individual consumer, we will only do so in the country in which you reside. The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods”) does not apply.

Should a dispute arise between you and SANUSLIFE, we recommend that you contact SANUSLIFE Support to find a solution.

13. Changes to the Terms of Use

We may update these Terms from time to time, including by adding entirely new terms and removing existing terms. If the changes are material, we will notify you in advance by posting the changes on the Services and/or sending you an email or message about the changes. Your continued use of the Services after the changes take effect will constitute your acceptance of the updated Terms. If you do not agree to the changes, you may close your account.

14. Some legal subtleties

If any part of the Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that part will be limited and severed to the minimum extent necessary so that the Terms will otherwise remain in full force and effect. If we fail to enforce any part of the Terms, we will not waive our right to later enforce that or any other part of the Terms. We may assign or transfer our rights and obligations under the Terms.

15. Contact information

If you have any questions about these Terms, please send us an email to

We are happy to offer this policy in your preferred language, but the German version of this document controls and governs your use of the SANUSLIFE Marketplace Services. You can change your language selection in your account settings.