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Hypnose, Human Design, Sport Mental- & Persönlichkeitscoach

Ein JA zu Dir und Deinem Leben

To my person

I am a contented, nature-loving and life-loving man in my 50s. Father of two grown children, divorced and in a wonderful new relationship for a few years.

A life crisis led me onto new paths. Paths that led me to new sources of energy. Since then, I have been intensively concerned with people and their existence on earth.

For me, it is a great need to accompany and support people on their path with my experiences and acquired skills, be it in the form of hypnotherapy, as a sports mental trainer, as a personality and life coach and now also as a Human Design Reader.

My long-standing professional career in management positions helps me to know first-hand the stresses of professional and family responsibilities, as well as the possible consequences of these. My 30-year devotion to the art of karate (including my own karate school) has always been an ideal life teacher for me. The connection between body and mind and everything that goes with it is what I summarize in my services under the term 'life karate'.

Lebendig & Klar
Hypnosetherapie, Sport Mental- & Persönlichkeitscoach, Coach für Geistige Entwicklung, Human Design Reader

Vivid & Clear

If not now then when?