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Anna Bürgler Center Life

My companion on your path

As a holistic health coach, it is important to me to work with you to realize your concerns .

Is it sleep disorders, constant tiredness, exhaustion, pain ? Do you feel heavy, congested and blocked?

Maybe it's a diffuse feeling of unease ? Or do you feel burnt out and empty?

Do you finally want to be full of energy and vitality again, full of joy and lightness ?

My wish is to support you where you need it with my specialist knowledge and my many years of experience in the areas of DETOXIFICATION , DEACIDIFICATION , INTEREST HEALTH , CELL VITALIZATION as well as NUTRITION and of course MENTAL ALIGNMENT.

Anna Bürgler Zentrum-Leben
Coaching für Gesundheitsbewusstsein
Schlaf & Regeneration
Stoffwechsel & Gewicht
Lebensfreude & Leichtigkeit
Vitalität & Energie